Fall Colloquia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
October 18, 2002
of Houston, Cullen Performance Hall
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Noam Chomsky:
A professor at MIT in Linguistics, Dr. Chomsky addressed a receptive
audience for nearly three hours on the historical context of the
current "war on terrorism." Chomsky was introduced by
Dr. Bob Buzzanco of the Department of History as one of the few
intellectual dissidents left in this country. His range of knowledge
on geo-politics proved this, as it helped construct for the audience
an American imperialistic narrative, showing nearly half century
of our attempts to influence and intervene in global affairs.
Chomsky is author of many books and essays that address America's
global involvement, including The Prosperous Few and the Restless
Many, Manufacturing Consent, Profit Over People and one of his
most recent publications, Rogue States. Chomsky joined the staff
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1955 and in 1961
was appointed full professor in the Department of Modern Languages
and Linguistics (now the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy.)
Chomsky has written and lectured widely on linguistics, philosophy,
intellectual history, contemporary issues, international affairs
and U.S. foreign policy.
without notes and in lieu of any breaks, Dr. Chomsky traced the
current administration's effort to impose American hegemony upon
the globe. He first linked current affairs to those involved back
to the first, earlier "War on Terrorism, effected during
Ronald Reagan's tenure as President. But he then connected these
efforts to a persistent, corporate globalization that is still
endorsed by leading American politicians. Dr. Chomsky spoke in
a simple monotone, drawing the power of his lecture from his content,
not from the force of his personality.
his lecture, he took questions from the audience. After an hour
of questions, Dr. Buzzanco attempted to pull away Dr. Chomsky.
He refused. His passion for teaching kept him on the dais, answering
for another hour. Some questions were combative and some conciliatory,
but he addressed each speaker with dignity. Finally, he ended
the lecture, quickly leaving the stage.
Noam Chomsky Archive http://www.zmag.org/chomsky/index.cfm
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Project for the Active Teaching of History
by a major grant from the U.S. Department of Education, PATH seeks
enhance the teaching of American history throughout the Gulf Coast
region. A joint project of Region 4 Education Service Center, the
of Houston Department of History and College of Education, and the
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, PATH will host a series of summer
seminars for
teachers and colloquia for the general public.
additional information: Please contact Debra Williams, Education
in Science/Social Studies Services at Region 4 Education
Service Center, 713-744-6846 or dwilliams@esc4.net |