Nederland/BeaumontNederland was officially placed on the Texas map in December 1897. In mapping a route for the railroad, Mr. Arthur Stilwell chose the names for many of the settlements along the line. Financial backing for this rail route had been obtained in Holland. In honor of these backers and in the hope of attracting Dutch immigrants to the area, Mr. Stilwell named this townsite Nederland . In Holland, the investors distributed pictures showing this new land to be a paradise (the pictures had not been taken in Texas) and offered the land at a very low cost. Salesmen were to target shopkeepers, teachers, pastors, clerks, farmers, and tradesmen. We think of planned communities, like The Woodlands, as being a new idea. Nederland was a planned community.It was not unusual for the voyage from Holland to last three weeks across rough seas while being quartered in unsanitary conditions. What do we mean by "quartered"? Even though the land around Nederland did not resemble the photographs they had seen, the thrifty Dutch immigrants quickly found the land suitable for cultivation (rice or truck farming) and dairy farming. Those who did not farm could find work with the railroad. What is truck farming? Locate the Netherlands on a map . What is the approximate longitude and latitude of this country? How does this location affect the climate? Research how life in the Netherlands would have been similar to life in Nederland. Discovery of oil and growth of refineries in this area along with boll weevil attacks in Louisiana brought settlers of French Cajun ancestry from that neighboring state. What is a boll weevil? Below you see two examples of Acadian cottages and, as a lagniappe, a replica of a Dutch windmill. Imagine life in one of those cottages. What is a lagniappe ? Where did the word originate? How were/are windmills used in the Netherlands? Cattle, lumber, and rice were the foundations of the economy in the Nederland and Beaumont area until the discovery of the Lucas gusher. It is also known by another name. What is it? In a 1900 LADIES HOME JOURNAL article entitled "How To Make an Attic Gymnasium", Dan Beard wrote "a gymnasium is just the place for restless boys to enjoy themselves during rainy weather when they are compelled to stay in the house." The carriage house had just such a space that occupied one half of the second story in the carriage house. The other half of the upstairs was a hay loft. This made it a perfect place to have "barn dances". The gym had a wooden basketball floor, hoop, "striking bag platform" (boxing) , and trapezes. Window screens were mounted on the inside rather than the outside to protect the windows. Children were allowed to eat dinner in the dinning room with their parents when they turned sixteen IF they could carry on an intelligent conversation. Younger children ate all their meals in the breakfast room. The house even had its own fire hose mounted near the ceiling in the second story hall. It was connected to a cistern. What is a cistern ? Cisterns were located on the roofs of house like this one and operated using gravity. Even though the children living in the cottages you saw earlier didn't have a gymnasium on their property and had to spend more of their time physically helping with chores, they still had time to play. Marbles, cloth dolls, wooden blocks, hoops and sticks (hoops which held barrels together usually outlasted the barrels), carved wooden tops, and board games like checkers were popular toys of the time. Dice were associated with gambling and were not used to play board games. Instead, a six-sided top, known as a teetotum , was used. Numbers were painted or carved into the six flat surfaces and it was spun like a top. If the electricity failed at your house, what would be your favorite game to play? Books to Read and Other Resources
Suggested Activity:People moving to a new place would probably like to know what natural resources are available or what products can be grown so they know if they can "make a living" in the new area.
For more information, write to:1515 Boston Avenue Nederland, Texas 77627
Beaumont Convention & Visitors Bureau 801 Main, Suite 100 Beaumont, TX 77704